Sunday 20 December 2009

12/20 Buying Stock Online

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Top Stock Movers > Hot Stocks Right Now – 2009 Hottest Stocks
December 19, 2009 at 11:28 am

BY. -  http://www. MomentumStockTrading. com A beginner usually feels very attracted to the stock market while for example discovering a small cap stock that’s being reported in CNBC or the news program and watching it rise steady fast and make new highs from $10 to $70 in just 2 months. While learning about this successful news story he’s saying to himself “Oh boy if I was one of those lucky guys who bought that stock back when it was priced at $10 I easily would have tripled my money by now… That means my 10 grand would transformed in to a whooping 70 K! hassle free … I would have been able to grab one of those big HUMMERs on the spot and probably pick up a nice Rolex by the way!”The stock market news constantly reports of hot small cap stocks that are breaking out and making tremendous gains on the same day or doubling in price in just a few hours. Back in the bull market of the late 90’s you could easily see a good number of hot stocks sprouting out every week. Those years surely made it look like every body could easily take LONG SHOTS and make a shiny pile of gold every day in the stock market. But today’s market is a different story. A totally different animal. Some say that the stock market has gotten more realistic. Fantasy land is over and GAMBLING YOUR WAY TO RICHES is not an option anymore. You might get lucky a few times, but your constant loses can wipe you out sooner or later. The fact that the bull market period has ended for now doesn’t mean that you can’t make a great deal of money in today’s market. A lot folks from many walks of life keep making excellent profits on a daily basis, pocketing hundreds & thousands of dollars by trading stocks online. Success in stock trading starts by applying a wiser and REALISTIC methodology for choosing hot stocks as well as for getting in and out of them with profits in mind. You need to look at the stock market more realistically. You got to learn that you can benefit when stocks go up and also when they FALL down. You got to WORK SMARTER and get more selective about the hot stock trading opportunities that you choose. You need to embrace the nature of day trading and be fully prepared to take advantage of stocks that are poised for a BIG RISE on the same day. The bottom line is you have to PREPARE YOUR SELF to be successful, just like you would do it in other areas of your life in order to achieve success.

Stock Trading System > Day Traders System Online – How to Pick Stocks That Go Up in 2009
December 19, 2009 at 4:46 am

BY. -  http://www. PracticalDayTrading. com We all know that in the stock market is always possible to watch certain stocks go up more than 50% within a few hours to days. This is especially true in the 4th quarter of the year where the buying frenzy starts in wall street. The financial media constantly reports about momentum stocks that are achieving tremendous gains during the same day. And even when you can see online investors that make $3000 on a single trade, it is also not unusual to watch beginner stock investors lose a great deal of money because of a series of unwise decisions The problem is that if you don’t know how to pick among stocks & how to properly approach them you could end up wasting dollars instead of making your wallet happy. You can’t just trade stocks like if you where gambling in Vegas or Atlantic City. The first step in becoming a profitable trader is to start learning how to pick and trade stocks. There are many “ultimate” trading systems out there, but you need to test them in order to discover which ones help you the most. That’s part of your homework as a stock trader. Test several strategies and then test them again until you are able to produce consistent winnings. Bogus stock trading software programs and complicated day trading systems that rely on a “boat load” of technical analysis indicators can confuse you and make you slow, and being slow when trading stocks can be as dangerous as not knowing what to do in the first place. The worst thing that can happen to a beginner stock market trader is to get information overload. It’s better to go step by step, and test a practical trading strategy that can help you focus on simple ways to make money while picking SOLID hot stock trading opportunities once at a time. In the end, stock trading is all about buying and selling according to your especific knowledge FILTER. Once you master and follow your proven filter parameters like a clock, you can expect to start making serious amounts of cash on a consistent basis. Fortunately some websites on the internet can show you how to use effective and proven stock trading strategies. One of those sites that can show you how to take advantage of hot stocks using simple to understand and apply momentum trading strategies is http://www. PracticalDayTrading. com Visit them today & discover how to profit in the stock market by picking hot stock trading opportunities in a realistic way every week.

How To Be Your Own Stock Broker!
December 19, 2009 at 4:43 am

I was in the lobby of my bank today and I overheard a conversation between the bank’s stock broker and one of his clients.
The two of them sat in a glass-walled cubicle with no privacy, and I could hear their every word as I waited for a manager to help me open a new savings account. The stock broker was a distinguished looking gentleman, probably 60-years-old or so.
He had white hair, dark-rimmed glasses, and he sported a suit and tie. He had a look of sophistication about him. His client, on the other hand, was a scruffy looking man in his 40’s, with a beard and pony tail, dressed in a t-shirt and jeans.
Why Do They Call Him A Stock Broker? Because He’s Broker Than You
This is one of the oldest jokes in the book, but in the example above, it was probably true. I don’t know how the stock broker’s client had accumulated his wealth, but from the conversation I overheard, it was clear that he had done well.
He certainly didn’t look the part of a trust-fund baby, so it’s probably safe to assume that he got his money the old-fashioned way – he worked hard for it, probably by starting a small business that grew into a not-so-small business.
The stock broker, on the other hand, was working at a bank in what should have been his retirement years. He had the pompous air of unearned wealth, but it was undoubtedly all a fraud. Still, he acted as if he knew it all and his client knew nothing. Sadly, while the former clearly wasn’t true, the latter seemed to be.
Where Does a Stock Broker Get His Information?
In the old days, stock broker was a profession of power. Only stock brokers had access to the information that was necessary for making informed investment decisions.
But nowadays information about stocks is abundant. This is similar to how real estate agents used to have an informational advantage, but they are slowly fading into obsolesce as advances in technology like the internet make buying and selling a home on your own a little easier each year.
Stock brokers have no value if they don’t wield informational power, and in today’s world, they simply don’t.
Take my experience in the bank today. The stock broker was literally navigating Yahoo! Finance and showing his client charts of his stocks.
He verbally explained the chart patterns with such simple language as, “As you can see, it went from 50 to 60, back down to 55, and now it’s been puttering around at 53. 50 for a few months…”
Worse yet, the stock broker actually clicked on “Analyst Opinion” to tell his client what other analysts were saying about his investments – the client was paying his stock broker in order for the stock broker to tell him what actual experts were saying! Unbelievable!
Don’t Be Like This Stock Broker’s Client – Do It Yourself!
But even more shocking was the fact that the client seemed happy with this service. He seemed to think that his stock broker was an investment genius because he knew the URL to Yahoo! Finance and how to navigate around the site.
Clearly, this stock broker did not possess any real knowledge or aptitude that his client could not attain or develop for himself. Although the client had made wise decisions for himself in the past, it’s unlikely he’ll hold on to his wealth unless he develops his financial intelligence in the near future.
Don’t be like this client – be your own stock broker!


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